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Sycamore Ridge STEAM+ Team

Sycamore Ridge STEAM+ Team

The DMUSD STEAM+ program provides robust and engaging instruction for students in the arts, science, physical education, and interdisciplinary learning. STEAM+ credentialed specialists facilitate rich, authentic learning experiences that prepare students for a future where they will think, innovate, and create.
Thank you for visiting our page. Please click on the specialist's Google Site. On each Google Site page, you will find more information about our programs.

Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Gilbert, Ms. Swanberg, Mrs. Smith & Coach Hoadley

Amy Smith

Innovation Technologist
858.755.1060 ext 3889

Bridget Brown

Art Specialist
858.755.1060 ext 3884

Cat Gilbert

Art Specialist
858.755.1060 ext 3885

Katy Hoadley

Physical Education
858.755.1060 ext 3842

Nancy Swanberg

Science Specialist
858.755.1060 ext 3841