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About Us

Sycamore Ridge School opened its doors in August of 2005 to serve kindergarten through sixth-grade students of the community and begin a tradition of academic excellence and parental involvement that still holds strong today. This year, we begin our twentieth year serving approximately 386 students in 18 general education classrooms and two FLS classrooms. Our student population represents eleven different ethnic groups and twenty-three different primary languages. The culturally and linguistically diverse setting represents exemplary students who feel welcomed and valued at school. Through a commitment to social, emotional, and academic growth, there exists an environment that is inclusive and nurturing of the whole child.
Our students are encouraged to demonstrate qualities of good character across school environments and in the community. Our Second Step program supports the overall social and emotional development of the whole child. Classroom teachers foster social-emotional development through classroom meetings and weekly Second Step lessons. Additionally, our site continues to take action to combat bullying and bias as a means to stop the escalation of hate and continues to create a more inclusive climate at Sycamore Ridge by committing to actively participate in the No Place for Hate program. We are also excited that our students have access to a school counselor who provides both individual and group support along with leading class and schoolwide conversations to support the social and emotional well-being of our students.
Our Principal’s commitment to collaboration, shared decision-making, and continuous learning has paved the way in establishing a positive, productive, and professional environment for teaching and learning. Through our Principal’s coaching, site-specific professional development by the Principal and teacher leaders, vertical curriculum articulation meetings, and grade-level collaborative meetings for sharing instructional strategies, every member of our school staff is engaged in supporting every student, every day.
This is an exciting time in education, and the staff of Sycamore Ridge is embracing the opportunities that the district's newly adopted strategic plan, Destination 2028!, presents. Sycamore Ridge is a school where thinking is valued, visible, and actively promoted. Our school culture embraces students’ strengths, passions, sense of purpose, and prepares students to serve a broader social, political, and economic community.